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Not All Spring-Loaded Connectors are Created Equal – Enabling Next Generation Wearable Devices

Wearable electronic devices have entered the mainstream and show great potential for continued growth in both the consumer and medical markets.

From earbuds to smartwatches, consumer wearables offer increased connectivity and functionality at the push of a button. In medical applications, wearables provide better support for patients and provide critical and timely data to doctors and medical institutions for diagnosis and better patient care.

Growth in wearable devices can be attributed to advancements in wireless networks, antenna technology, and the miniaturization of rugged and reliable components.

Antenna connectors play a vital role in wearable device performance. Wearable antenna systems must be able to support several wireless technologies including GPS, BlueTooth, and RF protocols just to name a few.

To meet wearable design requirements, antenna connectors must provide a stable contact and withstand shock and vibration, as well as offer a high degree of shielding against electro-magnetic interferences.

Rugged spring-loaded pogo pin connectors for wearable devices provide resistance to additional environmental factors such as contact with water and cleaning chemicals ensuring long operating life for wearable devices.

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