Get Hold of a Microchip PolarFire FPGA SoC Icicle Kit

Microchip’s PolarFire FPGA SoC technology has been successful in setting the highest standards in terms of reliability, power efficiency and assured security. PolarFire has shaken up the market by becoming the first FPGA to feature RISC-V processing capabilities - setting it apart from the devices offered by other vendors.  

So as to help customers with creating advanced power-efficient processing implementations, EBV Elektronik is now offering readers the opportunity to receive a PolarFire FPGA SoC Icicle kit that they can try out for themselves.

Enter our giveaway by filling out the short form.

Using this highly effective development platform, you will be able to comprehensively evaluate this game-changing Microchip FPGA SoC’s performance parameters. It will then be possible to leverage the PolarFire FPGA and accompanying five-core 64-bit RISC-V microprocessor subsystem - thereby allowing a broad scope of different application criteria to be addressed.

The kit can be used to deal with imaging, AI/ML, industrial automation, avionics and IoT workloads, facilitating rapid prototyping and accelerating time to market. In addition to the PolarFire FPGA (with its 256k logic fabric and ultra-low static power) and Linux-capable microprocessor subsystem, this incorporates a wealth of functionality. Among the highlights are an extensive range of interfaces (such as 12.7Gbps SERDES, PCIe Gen2, Gbps Ethernet, Micro-USB 2.0, UART, CAN, SPI, I²C, etc.) and numerous on-board memory resources (including 2GB of low-power DDR4 and 8GB of eMMC flash). A secure boot mechanism safeguards against the risk of security breaches occurring. There is a PCIe endpoint root port, a crypto processor, plus expansion headers for both Raspberry Pi and MikroBus.    

To enter the EBV PolarFire FPGA SoC Icicle kit giveaway and potentially get one of these kits all you need to do is complete the short registration form.

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